October: S & Z Patterns
Work with the basic interlinking stitch in sprang gives you stitches of a Z-lean on one end of your warp, and stitches of an S-lean at the other. It is possible to play with the lean of the stitch, working both S-lean and Z-lean stitches in the same row. Key to the change in direction of lean is the "transition stitch"
The video at the left takes you through several steps to explain working S&Z patterns. It begins by discussing Z stitches (made at the top of the frame) and S stitches (turn the frame bottom-to-top, and you can be working with S stitches. It then discusses the use of S on a background of Z. I introduce my notation for these stitches.
This is the written directions to accompany that video.
You can create a variety of designs using the S&Z contrast. Here are instructions for tessellated S&Z diamonds. The file also includes instructions for a double-layered hat.