The November lace patterns take inspiration from a bonnet in the collection of the Petri Museum in London. I had the privilege of viewing the fragments of this bonnet, and extrapolated to imagine the complete piece. Much of the lace structure features ropes, a stitch that was introduced in July. This piece also features a stitch that, at first, confounded me. It was the first time I encountered what I now call "floater threads" in sprang lace. I have since seen this stitch in other pieces of sprang lace from ancient Egypt.
Motif A is the rope medallion. I offer you a couple of variations.
Here are the instructions for that stitch I call the un-worked thread.
If you prefer video instruction ... then ... this video assumes you have set up a warp of 20 loops in 2 colors, A and B:
4A, 4B, 4A, 4B, 4A |
At the left you will find the instructions for the November window square. If all you want is the chart in greater resolution, you will find that at the right.